SVG Based Custom Rating System with jQuery Plugin

Yet another rating plugin for jQuery that has support including gradient colors, SVG based custom rating shapes and fractional rating.

Available rating shapes included: STAR, RECTANGLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, RHOMBUS and TRIANGLE.
jquery rating

Demo Article

Lest start how to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the jRate plugin's script in your document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jRate.min.js"></script>

2. Now  Create a Wrapper to place the rating system.

<div id="jRate"></div>

3. Next step  Call the plugin on the empty container you just created to initialize the rating system.


// initial rating
rating: 3,


4. All the default options.

$(function () {


// initial rating
rating: 0,

shape: "STAR",

// Number of shapes was decided by the count parameter.
count: 5,

// width and height of the rating shapes.
width: "20",
height: "20",

// Make the shapes from smaller to bigger.
widthGrowth: 0.0,
heightGrowth: 0.0,

backgroundColor: "white",

// start color & end color
startColor: "yellow",
endColor: "green",

// SVG Stroke color
strokeColor: "black",

// gap between two shapes
shapeGap: "0px",

opacity: 1,

// Minimum and Maximum Value
min: 0,
max: 5,

// Set the precision value.
precision: 1,

// false = vertical
horizontal: true,

// make reverse
reverse: false,

// read only rating
readOnly: false,

// callbacks
onChange: null,
onSet: null



Author: Senthil Porunan

Unknown tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand basic HTML programming. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise Web Designing from where you can take yourself to next levels

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